Monday, June 18, 2007

Having Boys

has it's good points and bad... Or maybe it's just the teenage thing. Everyday having to remind them to clean their room, pick their clothes off the living room floor, feed the dogs, don't leave dirty dishes on the counter, we do have a dishwasher, take your lunch to school, etc, etc, etc. I know I would eventually being going through this with Braydon when he hits their age, but man... it's taking a bit getting used to. I am used to leaving the house clean when I go out and coming home to a clean house... not no more... There's lots of adjustments, stuff that I have to loosen up on. It's an adjustment for all of us, though the two middle boys seem to be doing just great. I love them as my own. They're polite, thank yous after every meal, thank you for taking us on the boat, thank you for everything. They are little gentlemen already. Will help me with bags, without being asked, will open doors, etc. My boys are sensitive, will talk about their feelings, come to me for opinions, want to do good. They have great senses of humour. They love to tease me and make me laugh. They idolize their Dad and seem a bit in awe of him. They're also not used to seeing a stable relationship. They have that now with Dan and I. You can tell they like it. Though, they'll go oh gross, or stuff, when they see us kissing. Which is funny, because I remember doing the same thing when I was their age with my parents.
My Mom has become a great source of inspiration for me. She raised 4 girls herself, so she has lots of on hand experience, especially the teenage part. I respect her so much more than I ever did, now that I'm going through it myself.
I am truly happy though with my family. These boys are all going to grow up to be great men. They have good hearts and each already has their individual talents. I am proud of them all.

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