and that means it was the season finale of Cold Case. Was all excited and was let down. I love this show. Love Lilly. But tonite I didn't. She usually has a great character and they really went the opposite with her tonite. Oh well, it's only tv!
Jason's buddy who he used to work with in Churchill and now lives in Winnipeg, came to visit for a couple of hours today. It was nice that a friend took the trip to see him. Jas enjoyed it too. After he left, Jas even bbq'd chicken wings for supper. Really tired him out tho, he slept most of the night.
Saw a house today. Was really dissappointed. The floor in the living room slopes. The second bedroom is too small and the carpet throughout needs to be replaced along with a couple of windows. Soon as I told Jason the floor sloped, he went uhh nope. Cross this house out. There's one in Gilbert Plains I'd like to go check out.
Scrapped tonight. Finished two CJ's and picked out paper and embellishments for the third. Then I'm done for awhile and I can work on Jas' CJ. Have been putting it off 'cause it's going to be so hard to do. Must remind him again for quotes.
Got him today tho, to pic some of his favorite pics. He burnt a cd of them and is labelled to give to Brady. He also picked out a few of his favorite pics of him and Brady together so I can enlarge them and keep a couple in Brady's room while he grows up and keep a couple in the living room. I would have been bawling if I had to do it, my brave, brave husband tho, actually had a good time doing it. He even put a couple of his favorite mp3's on the cd with the pictures. It was sweet.
Good to hear Jas had a visit with a friend, that must have been great! I like the idea of putting pics with music-- a good project for him to do!
Sorry to hear about THAT house, but glad that you guys got the new one!!!! Yeah, congrats! Good news is always welcome!
I love those pics!! They are really gorgeous. It's nice to have jas put some pics to music..
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