I swear, I think Optometrists are in a conspiracy together. Seriously. My contact ripped a week ago and I have to order new ones. I just had my eyes tested last spring, got new contacts and glasses. All I need is my prescription faxed to my new Optometrist here and they can order me new ones. Sounds easy, right? Apparently, it's not. I had to go sign a release form at new eye doctor's to have them fax it to my old eye doc and then for him to turn around and fax it back. Well, I call today, two days later. Ask if everything got back ok. The receptionist says yes, but I need to make an eye app't. I say, I just had one last spring. She said it doesn't matter. I say, oh but it does. We are, like most are, only covered by Blue Cross for eye app't every two years. I doubt my eyes have changed since last spring. So, receptionist says, well it'll be a "mini" appt. and he needs to see me before they order me a new pair of contacts. Now, I have to pay for this "mini" appt to be able to order contacts! I'm left without a choice, I have to have my contacts, so I have to wait now till next Friday to even get in to see this doc. Grrrr. Didn't matter I had an eye exam last spring, I just think they're all out to make a buck.
On a lighter note. Had otherwise a good day. Took Brady to daycare this morning. After ripping him off my leg I was able to leave. Jason pretty much slept all day. So it was just me. What do you think I did?? Yep, finally went into my scrapbook room. I made my first ever cards today. Hope the people who I sent them too, like 'em. No laughing either! Afterwards went and mailed them on the way to pick up Brady. He had a good day too apparently.
Came home, made supper, cleaned up, and decided to take Braydon for a walk in his wagon. Took Pennie too. About a block away from home, Pennie kept turning around, so I decided to take a look. I see my cat, Willow, following us too. She ended up following behing the wagon the whole walk. We must have looked pretty funny, Pennie pulling me, me pulling Braydon, the cat following.
Watched the OC tonite. Why is it at the end of each season, someone is getting arrested? You'd think they could come up with something different. But I'll still be watching the next show. Gotta find out how Cohen gets outta that one.
Well, I'm off to go watch CSI, looks like a good one! Finally Nick doesn't look like a 70's porn star anymore! HA!
Watchin' CSI myself as I type this! Just finished the OC too...man, WTH! What is Ryan doin' letting that creep blackmail him! When is he ever gonna learn!
great visual of your walk with you ds and pets!
Hey Jodi!! Awesome that you got to scrapbook!! YAY I totally laughed when I read about your 'line' of walkers!! too funny!
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