I've been wanting one for awhile now. I love writing, love relaying my thoughts, emotions, etc. Am hoping that I can keep this interesting.
Today was a good day. Braydon actually slept in till 8:00!! I was shocked, I woke up before him. Jason was up already, watching tv. He didn't have a good night, feeling some pain. It actually decreased during the morning, which was very good. Finally was able to speak to an informative nurse here. She is going to set up counselling for us. I am so in need to be able to pour my heart out. I feel like I'm on an emotional roller coaster ride. One day, I'm bitchy, or I'm depressed, and then like today, I am happy. I think even Jas is going to speak to the therapist too. I hope so. Again, found out his doctor here was wrong. Jas probably isn't starting chemo next week again. See, I knew I heard the Oncologist right. He was to get chemo every four weeks. His chemo nurse told me she even questioned the doctor here. Ahhh, another sign to maybe switch to the woman doc. Least I get to meet her next week. I heard she's very good to talk too and takes time with her patients. Exactly what we need.
Evan came over this afternoon. He brought Brady a blow up pool and a ball for his birthday. Braydon, of course, wanted the pool set up now. Yeah right, that's ALL I need, is a pool full of water in my living room, dog and Braydon splashing around. Think, umm, Not!
Going to Brandon next Monday to do the Non Violence seminar I had missed. Should be interesting.
Tonight, Braydon and I watched American Idol. Glad Paris is gone and Taylor remained. Was a little worried. Tho I know that my Chris is going to take it all! Can't wait to hear his songs after Idol. Also watched the continuation of House. I watched the first part last night for the first time. I am hooked. It's a great show. Course, I come in when it's almost end of season. Am hoping I can catch up on repeats this summer.
So was sitting here, typing this and couldn't believe how hot I was getting. Turned off the desk lamp, thinking maybe that's why. Few minutes later, still getting hotter. Go to check the thermostat and it was set to 95!! WTH?! Turned it right off.
Well, think I'm off to bed now.
Well I am the first one to comment on your blog.... :) This makes me happy!!! I have been missing you at LIITD, glad you are back and now we can keep tabs on you here on your blog!!
Hey Jodi!
Nice blog!!I'm glad about the councelling thing-it will help hopefully!
Chris all the way for American Idol!!! Oh ya!!!
Glad to see you back too! You will love the blog thing--I find it is a great thing for when you need to just let go and yap! At least, it does for me!
Go Chris Go! He is my fav!
Hi Jodi,
Glad you have the blog and can now vent or not. It's nice that you're going to see the counsellor.
Welcome to blogging!
lovin'g your song on your blog!
it is a great way to just let it all out..
welcome to blogging!
vanessa ;-)
(sorry..my blogger acct is not agreeing with me!)
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