Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Another day goes by

This morning Jason had his cat scan to check his liver. The tumors in his liver have grown significantly. They are sending us to Brandon on Monday so they can insert a tube into his liver to help drain the bile. It's a day surgery and should be home the same night. Braydon will stay at the in-laws.

On a good note, the new pain medication he's on is working. It's making him extremely tired, but we're told that's normal as his body adjusts to it. In a few days it should be better. Just so glad he's not feeling any pain. I hope it lasts for awhile.

Pallative care called this afternoon and they've set me up with a trained cancer care volunteer who shares the same interests as me, etc. The pallative care coordinator thinks we'll make fast friends and wanted me to have someone here in Dauphin where I can go for coffee with, etc. I was very grateful to her for arranging it. Am just waiting for the volunteer to call me.

Tomorrow we meet with a lawyer to get our wills done and to talk about what else needs to be done. It will be a tough day.


Nicole Nowosad said...

Hang in there. Will be thinking of you.

Vanessa said...

Jodi..just wanted to say I was thinking of you. I hope you find comfort with the friend they have paired you up. take care.