Thursday night Brady started getting a fever. It started at 39.2. Christ, they just come out of nowhere. Started the Tylenol/Motrim switchoff all throughout the night. Friday by lunch, decided to take him to the ER here in town in case he did have an ear infection. Waited two hours with him sleeping on and off in my arms, when he started to seizure. Picked him up, yelled to the doctor and nurses, my son is seizuring and then all hell broke loose. They came running, doc swept him from my arms and rushed him into an ER room, yelling stats. She gave him Lorazapam to stop the seizure and a Tylenol sup which immediately brought his fever down. She admitted him into the hospital for further observation. Sure, enough, Brady did have an ear infection. Wish my kid would let me know, give me some kind of sign.
While he was sleeping, Grandma came and sat with him while I went home and packed a suitcase. Brought his favorite movies, a couple for myself, some clothes and a bunch of toys.
As the night wore on, he started acting normal again. The next morning, he was pushing the nurses around in a wheelchair. Doctor came and released him. She is taking him on as her patient and is also referring him to a Pediatrician in Winnipe
g to have his ears checked. She was extremely concerned. I really like this doctor. Glad she took him on as her patient.

Here's a couple of pics of the stinker.
1 comment:
Aw:( Poor little man..Seizures are the pitts. I am glad he is feeling a little better.
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