Yesterday started off cloudy, but by mid afternoon the sun came out. I took the boys fishing while Dan was at work. Only Dylan caught one. Had fun anyways. Brady loved it.
Today was sunny and spent the afternoon tyding up the yard and cleaning the van. Brady had a fever all day and had to give him meds every few hours. Took him to OPD tonight and of course, he didn't have a fever then and the doctor whom I don't like, looked at him. Said he didn't have an ear infection, yet Brady says his ears hurt and won't let me touch them. Hmmm usually nevers tells me that. Anyways, he gave me a prescription just in case. Tried to "inform" me about feberal seizures and tell me that kids usually don't show any signs before having them. To which I replied, well since my son has had six in the last eight months he has always showed the same signs and tonight is the beginning.
Anyways, Brady is back home and in bed. I've given him more Motrim and hopefully he'll fall asleep soon. Will fill the prescription tomorrow and have him take it.
Dan starts his first 3 weeks of holidays tomorrow. I only work Wednesday and Thursday of this week. So not too bad.